Sunday, June 13, 2010


So this week I'll be meeting with my assistant District Attorney to figure out what kind of sentence/plea bargain my brother will come out with. I have to admit it's hanging a bit heavy on me that in a matter of days this whole process might be over with, and that I'll have made a decision that will impact my brother for the rest of his life. I started my new catering job last week, a lot better than my last one, the employees are friendlier and I don't think I'll have to deal with the same type of politics. I also started practicing my driving again today. My Uncle is teaching me, and he has a commercial license, was a driving instructor for the DMV, and drove a Harley for forty years, I think I'll learn a lot!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Summer is Finally Here!

Yes, I know I haven't written in a while, but blogspot popped up when I was surfing the web today and I felt guilty enough to start a post. I finished the year, not with the best grades...but it's done and I think I'm finally getting some control over my life. This year I've let circumstances rule my life, and I'm finally pulling myself out of it. My knitting has improved remarkably, and overall I'm just feeling great!