Sunday, February 14, 2010


It's strange that I'm saying this on a blog, but bad writing drives me crazy. Even more being forced to listen to bad writing. It makes me want to slam things into other things and duct tape the perpetrator of this crime. Considering the aforementioned person is my roommate and friend, I don't think either of these appealing options are applicable. Ok, I am done with my short rant...I think. Not much has happened this week, my fiance might be coming to visit next weekend, however being that he is in the Coast Guard, he has to get lots of signatures in time to leave and visit. Both him and I are exhausted by this method, there are lots of ifs, ands, and buts. If they sign everything, If they sign it in time for him to actually leave. If these things don't happen he will have to start the whole process again. I don't usually complain about the long distance, or the Coast Guard, but I haven't seen my love since the middle of december, and even then it was only for a few days. The longer we are long distance, the harder it gets. One would think it gets easier, but the time just moves slower and slower as time goes on. Not to mention this has been an extremely shitty year, which you know if you have read any of my other self-pitying posts, and at some point it helps to have that crucial person when everything else is falling to pieces. Anyway, sorry about the complaints, on the bright side, I did play with two extremely cute St. Bernard puppies today. There's nothing like a good face washing to make you feel happy all over. Yep, saying that I love dogs is a bit of an understatement. Have a good week! And remember to do that one thing that makes you smile no matter what.

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