Tuesday, February 9, 2010


It's cold here in Oswego, but the snow doesn't actually settle, it just sort of blows in your face. Anyway, I'm back at school, hard at work, nose to grindstone. Last week I got notice that the Grand Jury had made a decision, and a warrant is out for my brother's arrest. My initial reaction was unexpectedly extreme. I felt an overwhelming amount of guilt for breaking up my family. Though logically none of this is my fault, I cried for a good hour, I'm sending my brother to jail. Yes, he did rape me, but isn't something still lost? Is it normal to feel guilty for sending the person who did about the worst thing you can do to another person without killing them to jail?

On a slightly lighter note, I've been pretty sick. Earlier this week I puked my brains out. However at the time, I was in bed, and my bed is lofted, I knew I wouldn't be able to get to a trash can in time, so I ended up puking all over my pillows, sheets, and all the blankets I own.

Wait, it gets better.
Anxious to clean up the mess, me and and my roommate rolled up everything and carried it all down to the laundry room. It took forever to stuff it all into the washers, finally we finished and set everything on hot with lots of soap. It wasn't until we got back upstairs I realized my cell had been underneath my pillow. Which lead to 10 minutes of sifting of hot puke soup for my cell phone. After of a week of drying out my phone in a bag full of rice, my phone definately isn't functional. Did I mention that this is the phone my wonderful fiance's parents got for me so I didn't have to deal with using a phone connected to my parents? All in all, the story is pretty funny...the farther I get from it the easier it is to laugh. Anyway, have a good day!

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