Friday, January 22, 2010

I really wanted to have something cheerful to say today, but sadly the only thing worth noting today is still leaving me shaking in anger.

I haven't been on speaking terms with my mother since I ran away, and lately she's been calling the house, sending me emails, and calling my aunt and uncle cause she misses me. However when I spoke with my aunt and uncle today about it, they told me that she said "I don't know why she's bringing it up now, it was so long ago." For those of you who have been reading (two) you know that the "it" my mother referred to was my rape by my brother. Now I'm not sure how anyone else would take this remark, but it left me in a blistering rage. Why? Because I still held the (foolish) expectation that my mother would support me, or try to understand, instead it seems she thinks I should forgive and forget the unforgivable. I guess what it so surprising, is that no matter how low I leave my expectations so that they won't be crushed, my mother still manages.

On the bright side, I made some delicious brownies today. I bake, clean, or resort to violence when I'm upset. Anyway, I got a nice chocolate fix, and some cornbread and chili on top of it! Mmmm

1 comment:

  1. What she's done really is unforgivable. No one deserves what you've had to go through. But somehow you're still wonderful and amazing! And brownies are also a good thing.
